ity- the foreign relationi committee- The Pressient. It eras statort en domed the stets expressed by Mr. Hitch cock todsp is the senate Omni any antendentrrt. nee matter bow tested. srookt have the effect of srftliVirstrinZ this nation front the treaty and roquire nootiatitots with 'The President.
said diw go' -46o JESTIFIT.S 041 7 g7 0 Aw 4,, 1 BotJoiTTI.IE:,',;i'',::,il'i ,......,,..,...,..,.,4,.. e7, ..,) Z. 'r-A 7 1: 1 WIN wq 1111 ININ 7 I "'I I 10 1. A 1 I I 4 TESTIFIES 1 ,4 1 em I is 1 pEpliTivE DRill iii -1, 1 i ,1 4.4 a 2- -r I': a 4 11 4 A 1, i 1 I ation of MOO to defray oxpeneso of dionaztors Wboi plan to guile, rtesident Wilson on ttn swacii treaty speech-making tour to tho Pae.fic coast woe proposed in a resolution today by Representative Newton, republican. The resolution recited that expense of the prezdentiat trip were out of th annual traveling toed of VZ5.04011 voted by congress wherego there was no fund- for teratom who deaired to tour tho country in epposXon to the league OA of h-soak- pra.
we-4mm- Let posse MS.0114 El easue WIlr Leaders Do hot Urge Strike a This Time. Leaders Do hot Urge Strike at This Time. This Time. Garvan Leading Publi7 cations' Also Made Garian Leading 'Publi- entiont Attn. fdladoi cations' Also Made Attorney-Generals to Confer, With Palmer as to a Country" Wide Campaign.
Attorney-Generals to Confer With Palmer at to a ronntry. With Palmer as to a Country-. Wide Campaign. Nations -Unable, to Feed Their Poor. Four Million Children Still Need Relief.
Four European- flations Unable, Feed Their Poor. t-eea 'new roor. Four Million Children Still Need Prohibition. Inspector on Mai For Murder. "Legality" of 'Killing Is Point Involved.
tolProhibition Inspector on Trial For Murder. tor tauraer. 46Legality" of illing Is Point Involved. I 1 Sankey Plan Alone Will Be Accepted. Sankey Plan Alone Will Be Accepted I I I Asao-I I lloover Tells Congressmen of -heed of Private Charity to Pbender Assistance.
100y4 eel Traaes Union Congress Will Be Asked to Approve Direct Action. GEBMANS'APPEAL TO LODGE MID KNOX Paris. government et German Bohemia bee sent a cablogram te Foiled Buttes Senators Ledge ant Knox according to 'Lavas dispatch received trvot Vienna by ere, al Basle. begstrig them to defend the calms of ne.f-decernileation of Germans in Bohemia, and the lideslaa Marc. Theo government further asks that a hearing t-e insured for these Gammon prior to the ratification of the peace treaty by thas States sextet.
rho government further oaks that a be insured for these Gammas to the ratification of the peacf) avaly by the States senate. ID KNOX retasent ea biebgrant Ledge aza limtpateb al Baate. 11111P glog lima I NV Verdict WM Have Important Bearing on Enforcement of Manassas, Val-. S.Testimony that W. C.
Hall. prohantIon inspector, Manassas, Vs, Sept- S.Testimony NV that W. C. Hall, Prohniition inspectors Paris. Sege 2.
There is atiii need for private charity for the eayrior sistance lierbert 'leaver do elareat before the caoltroosional oubocms mittee today. The poor ha all countries always need help front their' French Deputy upposea. 1 meats. Mr. Hoover painted out, and sept.
1Deouti moot the governments are I slew ern atolls Set auoalist Choi Con. az.eps- diO.A.dwfAlity a- dmas sly liable te ISSint their Celt- Paris. Sege 2. 'There is still need for private charity for the as-- sistance Herbert boomer elated before the congressional sub-ecms- mittee today. The poor is all countries always need help from their govern- meets.
Mr. Hoover pointed out, sad mesa of the tluropeszt governments are now unable to assist their poor. Con- 1 Defendants. New York. Sept.
S.Attorney General Palmer and Aten property Cristortan Garran were named as defendants In tour libel suits Col In federal court here today by Julius Forstmann and 'the Forstmann and Huffman company of Damages aggregating 8840.000 are demanded. The suite were based on articles written by Mr. Praline, for the Saturday Evening Post and IMunger Illagaane and by Mr. (larva" for the New York Tribune. The three 1 publics-at-tomb also were made defea4ante.
These, artielers. the complitints allege. I charged the complainants wit)t disloy-- i any doting the war end with being en-eery -owned and operated In the inter. est of Germany In the Munsey's written by Mr. Painwir.
ft was stated, the complaat alle ges. that the great woolen' Wien of the Foratatann and Ituffetbann company had ectually been taken over as enernypropertyy by alien property custodian These cilantro, the complainant alleged. were wholly false. a Jorge majority of the stock of of the-wooen Co, having been foccoanir years owned by American eAlaerts whirr have abeam-tea it with scrupelooa -re. gard te American interests.
The plant, it iv alleged ha never been teken ever by the gevernmeat GM enemy propertg otherwise. Defendants. Defendants. Neil Paine I Boston. Sept.
Natbonal Asso! elstion Of Attorney-Generals voted to day to confer with Attorney General Paltrier on plans for country-wide cacao nehlg'n to reduce the cost of 'living and to the- preaentation la the see4 1 era) state of legislation to curb peon, teering and other practices that -tend untuatty- to rats prices; Crfford L. attorney-gesseral of IfiHnnenotta, who waa re-elected president of the association. was instructed in resolution to impolite committee of fly, to meet with Attorney-General Pall' user and other federal Thu, actIori was taken In rearponse to a telegaphic maggeetion by Mr. Palmer Met such a' committee sunk make possible effective team work 'between federal and state authorities. The resehetiona said that the commit teeshauld uniform legislation foe the purpose.
of preventing the taking, of -extortionate and strirestecuable profiting in the slao and furnishing of to clothing and -other askosesitee of Stag the, curbing of prefiteering7 and the effeting of a general reductiso -of the biz east of living." i a State Dental Meeting. Spenial Ia in Journal and Neeirville. Tens-, Soot, Sdorlts Stato.Dental Society-6KM lociAlts Inceting at rho Hermitage Hotel baltimmillsZ 'Thursday' oat uositintsiag through Saturday. An Interestina Programme haa been arranSwd. BOrt011.
Sept. Nathmtal eiAIon Of Attorney-Generale voted to, day to confer with Attorney GenerailGarya I London. Tuesday. Sept. its- I executive Committee of the coai de-- and three other agents orank which reeolved today to recent- I I part of the contraband whiskey which th at delegates Wednes- they had seized from the automobile of conference reject the government R.
C. Shackelford and Lawrence NV- for dealing with coal mines. de- I I Hudeon. whom. they had marten; i clares that a strike at this time is not 1 wounded.
Islas by urged to secure adoption of the Sankey man Goode, states witnese. The earl- report. They assert however, that the Cone marked the close of the iiscond trades union congress which meets day of presentation of the pitteecution's i next week at Glasgow, win be invited to case in the trial of Han. who is charged declare that the fullest and most of-whom with Implicatiott in the killing of the i teethe, action shalt be taken to assure alleged bootlegger Seer Winchester. on the gcsurnment's adoption of the San-will March 25.
key phut for future governanges of the Geode declared that from his home be industry. bad a clear view of the Shenandoah val- The cesnmittee rejects the scheme of I repo through a plan for the limited ley turnpike where the shooting too- Premier Lloyd George. under which the Staten geszaakeeing $3,41041,000 or $4 curved and that after the "dry' agents government -would buy out the owners 1000,011 worth of cz edits. se be had wag- bad retarned fecal the Wineheorter hoe- of coal lambs who receive royalties frees I under reps through a plan for the United ley turnpike where the shooting se- 'Premier Lloyd- Staten gooratheeing $3.41941.11010 or $4. curved and that after the "'dry' agents government swouldhtte.Your the which tim ers worth of credits.
sat too bad sag- had returned front the Winchester hoe- of coal lands who receive royalties frees tte mining Millar DOE111r3 10. the fourteenth orator to the Peer- hi the chamber oc deputies eh ammthently, ontaido help woo imporotivn, ho 4.00 aermtthet stottY fer00Ile chi00 of I veeinee te the vest teeleher et the ttoo, bo bn feeding nod now .......,.......11411 be threugh Private ergzhi chamber to make known rthlitirefletl the deruh Y. DePulTrimi alitil a rraaldill oo ----Irbmilintaenooftt-theAn2ethrl cant 7- tieh to ele ed eltel'reliefof- geciatently, etstaido help was imperative. ha cowl ider ect. eirpecially for the child- seta, between sad 4,000.000 of the American relief administra- nem bas been feeding lid who now be fed through the private orgaab nations succeeding it.
Discussing the relief of eentral Eu- Mr liomrrer urged that if such plead. Where they bad taken dying 1 cenipenies. gtve the a ersdtts were granted the Vatted States Rudman tok bottle- of whiskey share in the control or the oir, should retain the right, to -direct what trove the seined automobile and each the mines into districts and comatrion aboold irecohoo them: so am to a drtnit. He named Harry 4 tabliab fund tor improving the living manure against any ono nation getting Sweat who is under indictment in conditions or miner, an Wholly Int- -1 the bulk off the help. He los declared nection With the killing as big one of and oleo creating 'great Matted Meteor sho It uld snake climax the group.
that time credits would he cut off front 1 The promecution In an effort to show iitny country which toned to preserve that flaa et the bullets tired were front Justice Sir John Sankey. after eensid. 1... Ama 6.1Ab. mgmtoungamAkbilAL OtOfterliditi i ortrue the oneetion of real buristaikme The prenteution In an effort to shovel that ot the bullets fired were front Justice Sir John Sankey after of the automobile occupied ring the question ot coal legislation.
New Zealand Ratifies. WoWaiatoit. N. Z. Tuesday.
Sept-The psuca treaty witli Garet-toy was unanituouitly ratified today by 'want Idler nternbera of the labor party had criticised Lb pact lies. was-- I um labor party 1 1 The Journal' and Tribune Want Ads. Pay. eoneldthe outside by Hudson and shackleford placed recommeaded tuttionalisation ot the as WI I neat dolmen' th, 1 atter le.tving the 'White lievoe-131 freetifkwi -that the belie had bee drawn tat lio believed the people realise the danger of adoptioda tg any amendsereart or of reedirvition which would hero a kitting effect. takes the I etroorad that enusidment wouldicauserour widArescal from tiro trcery." -President, Is Action on reserrationa -the President wag atid to foel, can be kft for future marsidratims afier the outcome of the fight against amendment.
"1100 President said be was well Bata, fled 'with the' wuy the fight fax been haridied." saki Mr. Hitchcock. over -tho- very" distinct raillg made by triende of the treaty arat.thir league, I stosirell bins. shortgutely that every eindistehnent Prieeneed would be beaten. told the 'Provident that 11113Wir republi cams wbe favor reservation oho are for that treaty and tho league and will not vote for' renervationa and amentunents which would sedigy or require resiteoVe Prepaid's Weems st diacurearil with Mr.
Hitrievek trio plane for hi, tour in behalf we the treaty. The PresIdent. ft Was will diecoos the treaty end ospecially the league davvasint In every address of the trip. renator EfAchevelt said the President would analyze the 'treaty to dieted sod emphasise that do. bay irt lie ratification wee holdieg return or the coststrY to normal condi- titans and oleo was blookine merry mettera, Meintlitig virtual-.
IT ali legislation mach es bills to reduce the cost of 1tyhit end dielutUott of the rallroal Problems. Perro011 titIcks. bow, ever, upon sireators orposilre ttio.ttelltY are not pinioned by the Prooldientl knitter Hitcherwit saki be told lb, President the the plans et to fencer lite erescistire dre trip and reply to his speeches bad been abian- dorsal became. ficestor-Ilitchesock mkt, Underrtood "important itelhatores tit the irepublitan party bed lusted the plea' Peo liferort es Mob Question- Vire Preetideot Is expected to discern the oremition to the treaty of these advocating home rule for and ether Moroccan peiories end Sertater Ilitchecrek today smirked Mr. Wilma that the foreign relation conemittoWn hearings on those quostione were 'useless" he itida.
the rennuitte dodo tart lertond to revert ant' atinenclsmote or rerwrvatlons to the trestY which have berm asked 1171 that respect. The Preelderirs treaty illecusatoe on bin trip are espwled to evoke prompt -roptiona fr-win republicans the senate. Thts final alter of committee action-- coludderstion of a reeolution of catkin with reeerystkice--ho planned for Friday and submasion of the treat'', ter open senate debate In to follow tut Peon DA trograible. ID the negoithlions of the republican factions my reservations. the present oftembling block is said to be on a -reeervetion effecting lb wit its foreign territorial- guaran- leatative reservation saki te have beeorefrovera by senators demand- hag "marmite reservationo ht undertow to declare emphotically that the United mats eardi not" and "refuses" to under- I take obi-Wetlands et throe territorial' ItUarentem 11, suivence of opeAtio action by congresa sa required by the constitution.
Thom favoring a store moderate reeeevtation are sold to be urging instead that ft declare the lknitationo of con-Wry wieder the eonstitatiou. without making blest denials. The reeervations On which the railgal sett moderate republiart groups aro said wow to have reached ea agree meat are eaSel to proems to declare that. the Vatted shall be the sole interpreter of the Monroe doctrine. shall deckle an domestic policies.
Puck as tariff 'end immigration. without, 110AD. vention py the league and upon decng, without Judgment of the league. that national obligations have bean shall he priviieged to withdraw front the letig'oe upon notice. Seat Mr- Hoorrer believed that the 63 or- ganizaloss doing tenet work in Europe eboold be eeerdinated.
administered in ouch was am to duplication et work. and placed soder an exerutive empowered to direct where relict should be 0 RITICIIES LEAGUE 1 I I- LEGU1 CRITICI1 THURSDAY i- r711-, 7 a see, II cll THIJRSDAY iI Continued from rage One. REGULATORY a BILLS OPPOSED thnv a BRYANT WASHBURN -4N Irteht county coroner. on mines- stand who testified the isinglass, Ork thP Bel curtaine of the machine showed asvPrialing lawardPlinetanduremthawItht teeth: rit grants point-t- boles CIALIST PARTY were smoke inarked indicating the Thing bad been at close range. As a revolt of the argument between counsel for the I( prosecutkm and the defense.
the court I REDucED ordered the antonsebne brought from Woodstock to Manassas, a distance of miles. for evidence If. C. A- Punk undertaker, who eared for the body of Shackleford. testified he Convention Endorses Plan FOr 1 had found in the mans pocket a struill automatic revolver with six bullets, not diecharpred, In the magazine and nine Indlittrial Strike others loose.
Be saki he also found II 'a receipt for $698 for twenty cases of IJI UM, ruiltical expected to rest to whiskey in the pocket 1 ion hi morrow. Freedom For -Ireland and India The prosecution The point involved, -Commonwealth', eg I Attorney Williams announced in his ew CommUnist Labor Party I oPPnint address. is not the guilt for tb. Adopts PlatformWould killing of Hud th son, but 'legality" or "illegality" of the killing. The verdict Overthrow Production I is expected to have an important beer- RANKS REDUCED Convention Endorses Plan For Indtittrial Strike.
Urges Political Freedom For -Ireland and India. New Communist Labor Party Adopts PlatformWould Overthrow Production I t) "LOVE INSURANCE wept se an outerop of pore soeislisen" and added that is the leader and' dictator et this anti-constitutional Movement- Hs is pure and IlimPle maid A aro hie co-workers. And Ms Townley movement to allied with similar movements under different names. worthier in Wiscoosein. Michigan.
Illinois. and other states. If the cowlhems in North Dakota were as favorable to the sue-cos of bolshevism as they aro In Russia. Townley would today boo thee Lenin ot the northwest" Two Big Packers Against Measures Afefcting Them Chicago Board of Trade Lines Up With Them. By Esti Derr Biggers Ho was employed by a company that bad bet the girl would marry a certain man.
He was to see that the company won its bet. But he fen in love with the girl himself. Then the fun started. To lose his job, or lose the girl. It's great! ALSO-- "HEAP BIG CHIEF," Comedy Featuring HAROLD LLOYD.
Ashilts 15e. Children Se. Iimminminnimmim limme J. C. Do ld, Packer, Objects to the Proposed Mxpedieni HITCI1COCIC TAKES FLING AT 1CUOX 1111110M11101 of Licensing.
or Licensing. beg I Warellagles SePters' se tile "sr largest PaeltIng 431m.1' ing on the enforcement of the dry law I in Virginia and J. Sidney Peters, pro- Chicago Elepti and the withbition commissioner is attending the draws' of radical Insurgent members trial. reduced the total membership of A change or venue was granted be-s the natioad eactanat party in this coun cause of intense feeling around Win- try to 02.217 according to a report read cheater where the shooting occurred It at the convention of the organization became necessarY to call out state today. Before the war the eocialist troolni.
There has been no Indication claimed a membership of 117.000. of lawlessness hers dining the trial- A summary of the more important bus, 0 iness transacted by the nonvelainn thl- SEN ATE -ADOPTS ed political freedom for-Ireland lin Irirginlil --Petire7irohl- IWien commissioner is attending tiro trial. A change or venue Was granted be -a A change of venue was granted cause of intense feeling around Win- IDMAMOIN VL ILLIMEIPM Le.uximis own ww cheater where the shooting occurred It became neeeenary -to call Out state troops. There boa been no inclicntion nd BIJOU PEI ICUS Met. 10-11-41-21 040 Maim Dori" SIVTIX 11:00 Si SG SIT Ma 4z Emit.
toillWet, Flaw litooer js vaittairs Until le.iglet 1 Continued from Page One. iko Sew Spot et Muntenia, TH TILloo CPICIE212 VA I LLIB Icenrs In the United States outside of he "big five." scattering of iitock 1 raisers and meat deshiers, end a. representative of the Chicago board of trade were among opponents at tbe Kenyon Kendrick bilis for the regulation at the. packing industry today by the senate agriculture constoitten S. Kenyon.
republican. Iowa, cross- essinkted W. D. Iteyoids and J. p.
Criticised congress for declining to seat Victor Berger. socialist. Milwaukee. pending an inveottgatson of bin thLtms OIL LAND BILL I 'WILSON LOOSE- NUT I Fort olVvetu Tex, mac-bars, bring- Ing out arkaisadon that they bad be 4 --1-1-4-6 paki expenses by tbo packers after nearing toctockt congressional commit- Two Amenaments UlTerid b) tees on twevious occasion when legio tation constdered inhnioal by the "big Senator Harris Are Aye' was under corksdevotion but both Accepted coon insisted they did not expect vstok- bursement or this tvp menu" Insieledwita 11514arsteywm'tliolunerlim-Pentwu RUCePtetiu bureement or this I Two Amendments Offered by Senator Harris Are Accepted stLLINDA TIFFANY Musical and Singing Entertainer stated cn a. dictated peace propose to alscedon it and negotiate a peace settlement oft acceptable to Gerteary.
It suggested that is desert our associates and negotiate a separate treaty. It is proposed we adopt policy of quit and scuttle. It is proposed that we repudiate our obligatiomr and like craven leave them to be performed by the nations lately associated with us. "Was there ever a. more Inseam Cl proponed? In the traitor of poltroonery and folly it is difficult to nee which predominates.
The senator from Penneyhrania the limit. Its not only propose, that we desert our frieeds ail abandon our obligations, but euggests that we release Germany front all t.romises of Indeannithet and reparations. Why not bo further arid propose that we compensate Germany? That vrould be a still stronger appeal to German sen timent 'Ile says in se min3r words. ter the desert our friends, alma-don our obligatkma and yield to Germany. I havo fuU faith that when this treaty he finally released from cold storage it Will bt tbo senate receive -different Here.
unquestionably; Gone is an overwhelming majority who docire to finish the work un. 'fla oily IL rheaunceenaltrui ttratte PennitYlvlinia toe the limit. Ile not only propos. that we desert our friends mut abandon our obligations, but muctests that ws release Germany from all t.roinbiee of bidenanities nod reparations. Why not bo further and propooe that we compensate Germany? That would be a still etronger tippeal to cermet, 'lie mire in es many words.
slough- ter the treaty. desert our friends, oboe- don our obligatkma and yiekt to Gez many. I bare fuU faith that when this treaty be finally released from cold storage it Will lit the borate reosiss different Hem unquestion ably-. therve Le an overwhelming major- ity who cloeire to finish the work un- 1 LEW GILMORE JAMFS CASTLE Corkers in Cork VENIZELOS DENIES HE -4 HAS DESERTED LEAGUE la. Cates, tor the Chicago board, Washington.
Sept. ILWIthout rec- of trade gave the conunittee a opecitic ord vote the senate tonight offer 12 Waebingtons Sept-. Yen- argument in oppoon to the bins. hour emidon waned the bill to Mike Weed. of Greece In li letter.
to the "This is a lair ot ruins and execu- possible the leasing ot public lands has- tens ainbeimodor at Per-la moue P.11 tive orders," he said. referring to the Igor deposit. ot oil. coal. tea phosphate iOdae by the Mato department.
elelune KenYon bill. "rather than a law of ono- and sodium. I rePoite Published in Amerke that he elno provigiona A change.of executive! In peening the measura the senate Iliad publicly etsted We lose ot eosin- "mans a change in the retinfremente of entoroved amendments offered by Sendonee in Um bolguo ot the law upon the citizen- Men cannot ator Herrin. democrat, Georgia, which It the 'American ottitude with regard tell from day to le legal on- would provide that under Clayton anti-to Ile tisked that Preeident der it. trust act oil companion may not charge Wilson be advaed that be bad under- 4 "It Is an instance.
think. et the different prices in various per-to of the wee. ne cbangs of sentiment with IS habit ot legislating blanket authority country. card to the propooed world eocietY. to executive departznents which grew up 1 Another amendment, which its Alter quoting frown Amerlran preys during tbe war.
nr. Senator Ilairris, said would cense iretworte no to Me and recall- "It the theory of licensing boemeel the constituent companies tot the stand tog twit Question went se far even oPeratiois is good, why not extend it? erd Oil company Ippon to become 42, to octave tbe etenote." Premier Vey- dertaten when we entered the wet. If the trouble in with the five large pendent in ownership in fact as well as helm wrote: Bert wal be found a safe majority for neeltaalites not in name, wee adopted. This emend- "I ilease, therefore, in view of the a. peace ettlaentent.
.,1 zo fis ww en'" I Meet would prohibit Mockholdere of cor- kmportenee attached to the above news, I have 'pokes of the treaty as a LlelanetrYi An Dot Sherman ay porationa producing petroleum and its whole. Litt the lawn of nations fee, 1 trent ententh te enforce enentietttteit? bv-nrocincts from atmantriso stock in an bi-PirOdnietS Mtn acquiring imam in 1 Christie Comedy to the ClIARLII 'Endorsed the plan for, a general' drentrial etrike October to COITIlayi the release of Tern Manner, Enene.V. Debi THE Loo land other' prisoner. Entionied the co-operative store plan 1 to reduce the kdgir cost of Sent telegrams of fraternal greeting WILLIAM GREW I to Debi; and other radical leaders GwENDouNE 1 prisoned during the war. 4 The delegates applauded for ineveral minutes when a report was read that An An UntaMal Comedy Ski! Emma Goldman wee relesieed from 'prison nearly two weeks ago.
"HA! HA! HA!" The new communist labor party of America adopted a platform after wrangling nearly an day over the Phrageel GRACE EDDIE PARKS' ogy. It declares the party In full bar. irony with the revolutionary working cleanse of all countries and stands be Comedy the principles stated by the third Inter- national program adopted at Moscow. Russia- Other planks in the platform read: Universal Current Events nVe fully recognize the crying need for an immediate change in the social system. The time for parleying and compromise has passed and 'mow it in nom, only a question whether the full power remains In the bands ot tho capitaliat or the working Hasa.
"The cornzntrnist labor party of VI A America has as its ultimate aim the overthrow of the present aystem of production in which tho working clam is merellestily exploited and the creation ef an industrial republic, wherein the ma- chinery of production, shall he etiocialtzed 'TIME '111 so as to guarantee to the workers the ran social value or their toil. To this mad we SAE the workers to unite with the communist labor party of Amer ies industriaily and politically In the struggle for the conquest of the Mate and the powers of governezent in the establishment of a. co-operative commonwealth" John Reed New York, presersted the 01111 report of the committee on program an labor which was said to be the neAst radical declaration of yprinciples ever is-1 suad by a poetical party In this corm-I it pda, Not Bo Troubling Yon try- The lengthy dorimient is saki to bay been largely copied from the pro- ivories' the Warm Weather, But CHARLIE THE IS A TIME TO OUT GOO an-It not. amend and strengthen it- In not etnor corporation aunlierly engaged If th. "era' trade callusjank41 tsoth corporation have been created in Amobeta4i fa daratiPtOPOW mums Am.
I lin I etl11gb to 1111Thre "1111141 111eo'n't-ormance with a court dissolution DO. then strengthen it 'decree or tor the purpose of avoiding "There are no conditions within nly prosecution under anti-trust knowledas which maks it seem Met DO. then strengthen it "There are no conditions within ley knowledge which make it seem ENTENTE DEMAND ANGERS HUN PRESS ho Mate categorically that I Imes Rot imade lb above statement and it reel ly grieves me to knew that I could haw been taming cahabbs 0C ft. Not. metthatandlng the disappointment I mesy teet because of the Three lan question.
a wry one for Greoce--my ylews regarding the league et nations. a world gorkto structure to 11 'thick I hs.wo lion contributed in lb. ineasitre 0C my ability'. bare act aod coakt not change." WOULD PAY EXPENSES FOR LEAGUE OPPONENTS Sept, SAn siit a.p,,i that I boys not Sept, LAis opseopeek abm--- --liod- --could- -----not---bange-- I. -11OULD PAY EXPEtISES FOR LEAGUE OPEIONEtiTS -Wadtlegies.
Sept, 3--A is apsewptwk tura partilutarly has been persistently and unreaeonatily attacked in this chamber. These who ettatur up these penicillin disadvantoutes seem to Ignore altogether the enormous advantages of orritnizing the world for peace. "They make mountains out of mole bills 1 seviowing difficulties of the league plan. They are auspiciotta that while It may benefit every other nation on earth. it la atis devised as to bring disasier to the United.
States. They crawl on the ground, with a microscope asorcting for pitfalls. and are unable to look forward to the promised land of Peace and order and justice to which the new movement leads." the while it Mar benefit every other nation on earth. lt Ill apt devised as to bring disaster to the trotted States. They crawl on the ground with a microscops ga.ret-ing to? Pittailm.
and ar. unid" to look forward to the prtmilsed land of peace and order and juatica to which tilt sew motrement leads." 11E CATARRH necessary for the return to nateroaltala and autocratio control. Legislation in times of peace should be serious attempt to moire definite problems by definite meanie." J. C. Dold.
Buffalo, objected to the 'kenning. but suggested an authorised coeferenco committee for the Industry. to bee matte up of representatives of the interests concerned. Chairman read him a section et the federal tide cemturikedon report on the imbeetry. declaring that Me home lind the Cudahy conspory et the "'big -five" bad ein agreement to split even all ha race-lista at the Wichita.
Khoo. yards. where he Ma a plant. Ma la "3 daring eonspeti the Vii la phint MPS VW 131.41111116 licenan contort bee tlc read hi cornmeal clartng contact' latent 1 a plant Berlin. Sept.
3(By tho Amocbtted Taeglische Rundechan declared today that the demand by the Enteate that the German emwstitirtion be altered is hardly calculated to induce the German people to respect their new charter. warn the supreme council ot the danger et precipitating a now intembal disruption- The Vossische Zeitting a flat refusal ist the only possible armwer to the tlervian4 of the Entente. while the Erma Zettung reautrks that 'the amiteurs, of Weimar must IFIOW put up with the eon. sitant intervestion by the 'notelet le Gerinanrs internal affairs." gram of the soviet- reinstate et Ru It Star In Your Mood. Action the on report was deferre ti :1 I Prohibition BM Next.
1 Washington. Sept- 11.After ruling I et the land leasing ata tonight by the Ineonate. the house measure providing for the enforcement of national prohibition was loads the unfinished Its connideration will be started when the inmate yecenvenes tomorrow Bill Next. woobingtoo, Sept rassage et tbo load losable bet tonight by Um ht411.1' measure Pmvidiag ler th enforcement oil national prohibition wan geode, the unfinished Its cestokieration will be started when the senate reconvenes tomorrow deny It. Dad "That came about because our plants thews ars et, equal capacity, If Cudahy goes In olio day and hogs the market leo knows that the next day well slake ides pay tor Ids I tuft, so we run along 'The rofsewt sows' that yew and Cudahy also own the stock yards there.
Chair- man Gron pohtted out "We don't. Dodd replied. Cudahy does own 'POMO pert That cause about I when tie town et Wichita was trying 1 to get thew Codithy plant there. They icave him bonus and Cudahy was slick pouch to hold ett until they Wive kb an Interest In the yards. too.
Ws got a beans. but didn't get Um thee 1 dm eCtabelittlal CI the nom stuff4 a men Gi "'We Poen ol when 1 to get wave hi Dough an bite a booth "I de boat i 041141 dar ono the Int. stuff4 a "The alas se teas Gi "Vie does et when 1 to get gave bl enough an late a bons ST AN It) I 1 I Relief For Minsk. Washington- Setif. LDbinaich of a 1 Arbiters' relief and anti-typhus field unit Ito Minsk was authorised today by Chip American Red Creme as the result ot the eaptare et the city by the Polish army; Reports trent Minsk said people were dyica its large sitintbrzo front bungee end typhus.
Pberiet For Sept- 3.Dlopsich of a enteral relief and lintl-tYPbos unit to work was authorised today by Oka American Red Creme as the result of the eaPtur ot tbet on-Y by Polish army. trgea Mblak sedd wers dyirg in large wahine. front hunger and typhus. II LiEXIAU BATIDIT' -LEADER IS KILLED LIEX1 1 LE)C1 LiED ()fen in ne id eq. Do not be misled into thinking your Catarrh is gone.
The first touch of winter weather will bring it back with- all of its discomforts. The blood is laden with the Catan-h germs, swhich direct their attack against the tender and dell-ate membranes of tRe nose and throat. These garms cannot be reached by sprays and douches. which, of course, have no effect whatever upon the blood. Mild weather will aid the treatment and this is an excellent time to thoroughly cleanse the blood nt the germs of Catarrh and be forever rid of the troublesome sprays and douches that can only relieve you for the time.
S. S. S. is a purely vegetable remedy, made from roots and herbs direct from the forest, which combat promptly disease germs Impurities In the blood. flus great remedy has been used for more than fifty years, with most satisfactory results.
It has been successfully used by those afflicted with even the severest cases of Catarrh. It relieves catarrh by treating the disease at Its source. SS. is sold by druggists everywhere. For the benefit of those afflicted with catarrh or other blood diseases, we maintain a medical department in charge of a specialist skMed in these diseases.
11-yott will write us fully. we your case- careful study. and write, just what yourvIrn individUal case re4tdret. No 'charge isthide for this serrice. Address Swift: Specific' Co-, 414- Swift Atlanta, your -I 11; re4rtiti this S4 cific- Allant Inumon WO1114 I I 1 1 0 Fo 1 tag .410.501:415., ome corn finites -t 41 are more fads than foods.
gost IVOt lSO tVith. A rir.914. t'. I tal914 01 Epto'nUlk '1 -iti, b4 7. 9 Ibni dbILA s''' ''nolaricatztc-at an th-yrt; pok 4Pe 4mo Alow.0,.4041.6.
by 4swelatoriltio Amer de, 2 ifT rIFttl qt. ,.14 l'' 4 4 Not A Ili I Some 03M fictims elle more fa -'1 ttlittil. fIZIOdS 4 Not rf 111 0 4 t. 1.10' it 1 '-'1, 0 4 db that 414 4J 4 nouricatztcrrb thob ce-Le--------d. by ITICCiMoo- oreto Auer .041.4 'IL 0 a -7.
ly- ar, 0, it 041.6 Os "k11111.4.11, pas, a.a.,,.10 Ihdlow" awl. 0 1 1' Prohibition- Catarrh is not only a disgusting disease but is a dangerous one, and you should never let 'up in your forts to get it out of your system until you have done it thoroughly. Get rid of it, whatever it costs you in trouble and money. There is no use in permitting Yourself to be deceived. Perhaps, like thousands of others afflicted with Catarrh, vou are about ready to trtielieve that the disease is inRelmss curable andthat you are doomed to tne remainder of your 0 days hawking and spitting, with no relief in sight from inflamed and stopped-tip air passages that make ,1 tu itayS miserable and the nights sleepless.
iDf course this all depends upon whether or not you axe willing to continue the old-Cnne mate-shitt methods of treatment that you and nizaY4)ther sufferers haveused fr years with no substantial results. YOU must realize that the (Ls- 1111CNIULAILe ZITER JECELD ease lizeu, and not its symptoms, Toronto. Sept. bb be is what you have to Of newsd 11..61 tb.11rst air course you 'know that when you glik plasm funeral ever held occurred 41iP IP bore today. when a tiny corths.
qp are cured et any disease its sylny bearing Ube bet, et Leonard WM- will disappear. Allen. IC ftvementbe4441. bebl. catarrh maniteata itself hy wine tee Mount Pkas I ant emositery ha a piano pliamot attlftlatiett Ot the derIcate by Harry formerly et tho Lill banes of the nose and -air pas- twat air form The emb aro.
Cherdik If 4 ni 11141,0 bearner was closely fotlowed by in-6," h' do a. second Willbe hearing menet di breathing very to get amen ot the, exidertakerL ,,411 rid of fil- htpx distressing effects: you 4 i roman taOr cause-. 1.1.1. 63 Mennt Pim. te m-P ant eonnetonry tit in piano piloted itamtaartan at.
rare a Harry ul, et Oa branes of the ttose and -air pas- air force ub allying :4, bearner woo ekkooty, totlowed by sat es, which choke up and 'make al second Williba boating amidst 4, breathing very get Italia ne lain locidertakerZ, illy rid of th distressing effects: you ,4 I Intmt renlon tacir .1 Reserve Act Amended. --Nrabinetoti. Sept-, to the federal reserve set permitting na, Metal banking institutions to invest an aggregate 6 per cent of paid in eapttal and marpluo In corporation engaged ha the national and feretien theanciel ratielna so a moans of facilitating to. I tx1rts. antra Passed today by the house.
The ankeedmenta Dew go to conference. tib aro marg. ATIllocAltirle ndb 'User" Act d- Nralaingtm- 8.9t- to the federal reserve net permitting na, tiosmajt booking tingitut ioas to invest on azgregatit Per cent of 111114 In ooPttol narPtun enrIvratien engngect the national and. feretirn financial ope- rations se it means of facilitating ez mrt16 "ter. Palmed by the The amendments Dow go to conference.
it TIMM AIRPLANN 1 1 Weskinatee. Sept. 21Abine thief' of the bandits wive held eh and killed Adam Scheeter. Ateerbmen citizen, bee been killed by amentbers et tbe Hanle Defense Magma et Phew whe permed the entaire. the Menke nelebeeey today ticiuteter and bin driver 'were killed while traveling hi a carrbig near Pines with eve thouswitt pesos which Were stolen by the beeditn tbe asseenneseeest Ontevra twilatinaile ter the neiarder et Job W.
wren. an Americium. citinee. bare been arrested and will be pieced on trial. at Lbw tionblus7 alms anetraced.
The arrests were mad near Mem Ifewteitee and Winded Baines Dien chiettain and bis toliewern Rafael nu, Franciees Cambium. a Vidal and Fraindeco yalverttn" 1111rest ehlet killed A hoe bee Seam while steles 1 Jebilliaddrd.11' o114111.1ret "lea hi Dina el Praxis ehletlirsale killed A Deb ate while trith 9 stolen 1 Jobili.ostai, bare L'Idats Diaa, el 'tuts. Vjr UP1161117 sr!" plikeeirinedi mk MOROI. neenommet "ramp- at ettillem. no phietwl told fittear 11.
Rafael -Ida and Cattail. glib and 1, Flame ntred ineenity hiettad eat his pest-- And atter years his seeenerj' re tensed and Ise toand that blot w'ffe ead fertez, bed beast stalest ad lte bad bloom reeds the victims' of a "kit to Press this great Tata iripletsktp emcee where the Isere gees hawse' testi' the filcher ratt be held 'Pal l'euatt by CI tro' mealtime drantsile rimer et tba 1. Andliwm turnel lie 'Dm -is waist Irrol motes imeLl1 I be be It Cynott alp I to Zemmol mot Tremolo, touts room. Soot. Os rrotteh enhotoos by the Rev- Victor tito ChLie.
thAstOseert 'Pena ISMS. MIA Rtall C. tk 1-tStoird. ot flooeaktk marked the tootelhlt aol'e toonotot at the Seth onahl esoventioo et the Elosaitoktool Letilberlbe ot Setubwistore trolokto. Akoetosatootoly fdtr tolerates treat esetiooe at VLritthill Ste attood.lag.
'i Opeetba 'Preece 0- 1 ilLweett treteir IrLrglOili bartirto caLis, C. O. 1 awaott stately Irlrgioil omermal mat Trinnin i br ow Stow- Victor We- 11' trona tolls- ILIA Rale St liatabellAk "'Parka, Ole tko soot Ammonia notion NI, tronno. legatee from asounno ot rAiltiLlitit. Adults SSo Children Us story 1 --'-a''' Natural ColoriPSciagro-, Akooloob-) Admits Cht3dron 1So 1.
I 4 1,.