Hawaii Five-0 im TV - Sendung - TV SPIELFILM (2024)


Mi., 28.08. | 14:55 - 15:40 | 42/45 Min.

USA 2013 | KrimiserieNächste Episode am 29.08. 08:00 Uhr (Staffel 3, Episode 24)

Hawaii Five-0 im TV - Sendung - TV SPIELFILM (2)

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Mission: Impossible

Staffel 3, Folge 23/24

Nach einem Yakuza-Mord auf einer Baustelle belauscht Kono ein verdächtiges Telefongespräch von Adam. Auf eigene Faust verfolgt sie eine Spur zu einem Lagerhaus und gerät dort mitten in eine bleihaltige Auseinandersetzung mit der Yakuza…

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Hawaii Five-0
42/45 Min.
Wh. von 08:50 Uhr, Wh. am 01.09. 06:45 Uhr
Nächste Episode:
Nächste Episode am 29.08. 08:00 Uhr (Staffel 3, Episode 24)
0 Jahre

Cast & Crew:

Steve McGarrett
Alex O'Loughlin
Danny „Danno“ Williams
Scott Caan
Chin Ho Kelly
Daniel Dae Kim
Kono Kalakaua
Grace Park
Dr. Max Bergmann
Masi Oka
Catherine Rollins
Michelle Borth
Michael Noshimuri
Daniel Henney
Larry Teng
Eric Guggenheim
Keith Power
Leonard Freeman

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Hawaii Five-0 im Serienguide

Serie Hawaii Five-0 Krimi | US | 2010 - 2020

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Foto: Die Verwendung ist nur bei redaktioneller Berichterstattung im Rahmen einer Programmankündigung ab 2 Monate vor der ersten Auss 4/6

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Hawaii Five-0 im TV - Sendung - TV SPIELFILM (2024)


What is the most watched episode of Hawaii Five O? ›

"Kai e'e", the fifteenth episode of the season, holds the record for the most watched Hawaii Five-0 episode in the series history with 19.34 million viewers. In addition, the series premiere holds the record for second-most-watched episode with 14.20 million.

Why did Michelle Borth leave Hawaii Five-0? ›

Though the reasons for the actress Michelle Borth's departure remain unknown, many have assumed that it might be because her character didn't sit well with the fans. As for Catherine, she was written off with the explanation that she would stay back in Afghanistan to find the son of the man who saved her life.

What happened to Chin Ho Kelly? ›

Even though Detective Chin Ho Kelly (Kam Fong) gets killed in this episode, Kam Fong reprised the role in a 1997 TV Movie "Hawaii Five-O" that completely ignores the death. Chin Ho is the only character whose subsequent absence from the series is explained on-screen.

What happened on the last episode of the original Hawaii Five-0? ›

In the show's final episode in 1980, titled "Woe to Wo Fat", McGarrett finally sees his foe go to jail.

Did Jimmy Buffett play in an episode of Hawaii Five-O? ›

Only a handful caught his short career as a television actor. Now, all Buffett fans can view Buffett's entire TV career. Paramount+ is streaming all seven episodes of "Hawaii Five-0" featuring Buffett playing a part he had written. He played Alabama-born helicopter pilot Frank Bama.

What rank was Steve McGarrett on the original Hawaii Five-O? ›

Steven J. McGarrett is a lieutenant commander of the Navy SEALs. His superiors and commanding officers describe him as "the best they've ever seen". Steve is highly intelligent and intellectual which proves him to be a prime candidate to be the leader of the Five-0 task force.

Why did Steve McGarrett leave? ›

McGarrett has always suffered from post-traumatic stress. He played that over 10 years and it's finally caught up with him. He needs a little bit of a break. I wanted to play a natural closure that felt real and honest, and I didn't want to manufacture a reason for the show to end.

Why did Chin and Kono leave Hawaii Five-0? ›

Kim posted a lengthy Facebook message to fans explaining he decided to leave the show after contract negotiations with the network failed. Kim and Park reportedly had been seeking equal pay with stars O'Loughlin and Caan.

Why did the two actors leave Hawaii Five-O? ›

“The truth is this: Both actors chose not to extend their contracts,” Lenkov wrote. “CBS was extremely generous and proactive in their renegotiation talks. So much so, the actors were getting unprecedented raises, but in the end they chose to move on. No one wanted to see them go — they are irreplaceable.”

Why was Zulu fired from Hawaii Five-0? ›

One of the original cast members of Hawaii Five-O (1968), Zulu played "Kono Kalakaua" for four seasons until he was fired after disagreements with the show's publicist. Supposedly, a racial slur was used and Jack Lord had him fired. He later performed in Waikiki nightclubs singing and performing stand-up comedy.

Why did Kam Fong Chun leave Hawaii Five-0? ›

Chun said he left ''Hawaii Five-0'' because he felt the scripts were becoming stale. The show's writers killed off his character, and in that episode, his dying words were, ''It was all worth it. ''

What happened to Danno from Hawaii Five-O? ›

James MacArthur, who played Danno, the boyish-looking but hard-driving sidekick on the long-running television detective show “Hawaii Five-O,” died Thursday. He was 72. Mr. MacArthur died in Florida of natural causes, his agent, Richard Lewis, told The Associated Press.

Why did Al Harrington leave Hawaii Five-0? ›

At the end of the 1971-72 season, Zulu left the series after a disagreement and was replaced by Al Harrington as Ben Kokua, smaller in but no less of a character. After Leonard Freeman died, Al Harrington's appearances became infrequent in the 1974-75 season, and then he was dropped altogether with no reason given.

Do Kono and Adam have a baby? ›

In the season 8 episode I Ka Wa Ma Mua, I Ka Wa Ma Hope (The Future is in the Past) Danny dreams of the future and Kono has a child with Adam. However, midway through season 9, Adam returns to Hawaii and tells the team he and Kono have broken up.

What did Steve McGarrett say at the end of Hawaii Five-O? ›

Ha is what gives aloha its deeper meaning, and in this case, it is a sharing of friendship and brotherhood. It wasn't until McGarrett says, “A hui hou,” which means “*ntil we meet again” that really made his exit feel a little hopeful.

What is the best season of Hawaii 5-0? ›

For instance, Season 1 sets the stage in storytelling and character development while serving as an introduction to the world of Hawaii Five-0; it's considered one of the best Hawaii Five-0 seasons by many fans.

Is Hawaii 5-0 worth watching? ›

Hawaii Five-0 is a pretty entertaining police that's based off the original show. It's a fun and fast paced police procedural that gives you everything you want in a cop show that can just waste some time for you. They show Hawaii to be as beautiful as ever.

How many seasons of Hawaii Five-0 were on Netflix? ›

Before its sudden removal, the first eight seasons were streaming on the platform. That's almost 200 episodes!

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Author: Twana Towne Ret

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Name: Twana Towne Ret

Birthday: 1994-03-19

Address: Apt. 990 97439 Corwin Motorway, Port Eliseoburgh, NM 99144-2618

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Introduction: My name is Twana Towne Ret, I am a famous, talented, joyous, perfect, powerful, inquisitive, lovely person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.