Enduring Word Matthew 4 (2025)

1. Enduring Word Bible Commentary Matthew Chapter 4

  • Jesus was led up by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil. And when He had fasted forty days and forty nights, afterward He was hungry.

  • David Guzik commentary on Matthew 4 describes the temptation of Jesus in the wilderness and His first ministry in Galilea.

2. Enduring Word Bible Commentary Matthew 4:1-11 – Led by the Spirit ...

  • Enduring Word Bible Commentary Matthew 4:1-11 – Led by the Spirit, Tempted by the Devil.

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3. Enduring Word Bible Commentary Matthew Media

  • Led by the Spirit, Tempted by... · Matthew 2 – Called a Nazarene

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4. Learning from Jesus' Temptation - for Pastors & Preachers by David Guzik

  • Mar 13, 2022 · (Matthew 4:1). After identifying with sinners in His baptism, Jesus then identified with them again in severe temptation. Because this was a ...

  • Most pastors and preachers have taught on the temptation of Jesus, but here is a brief thought for the servant of God from that passage.

5. Enduring Word Bible Commentary Luke Chapter 4

  • David Guzik commentary on Luke 4, in which Jesus starts His ministry in Galilea and is led into the wilderness to be tempted by Satan.

6. Enduring Word Bible Commentary John Chapter 4

  • David Guzik commentary on John 4 describes Jesus conversation with the Samaritan woman at the well and heals the nobleman's son.

7. Commentary on Matthew 4 by Matthew Henry - Blue Letter Bible

8. Enduring Word Bible Commentary Mark Chapter 4

  • In this parable, Jesus described something they were all familiar with – a farmer casting seed on the ground and the seed falling on different types of soil.

  • David Guzik commentary on Mark 4 describes the parables of the soils and the mustard seed, and where Jesus calms a storm on the Sea of Galilee.

9. What does Matthew chapter 4 mean? - BibleRef.com

  • It would show that, though Jesus was fully human, and fully God, He remained fully sinless in the face of temptation (Matthew 4:1). Jesus fasts for 40 days and ...

  • What does Matthew chapter 4 mean? How should I understand Matthew chapter 4? How does Matthew chapter 4 fit with the surrounding context?

10. Matthew 4 Commentary - Precept Austin

  • Jun 11, 2024 · The Word of God has tremendous holding power. When tempted in the wilderness, our Lord overcame the enemy's suggestions by quoting Scripture. He ...


11. Enduring Word Bible Commentary Video

  • Posted: Apr 14, 2016

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12. Commentary on Matthew 4:1-11 - Working Preacher

  • Feb 10, 2008 · Now, through this wilderness test, Jesus stands squarely in the long history of the people of God even as his encounter with the devil points ...

  • It is no accident that Jesus winds up in the wilderness after his baptism. He is not lost, and he is not being punished for something he has done wrong (assumptions that people today sometimes make about their own “wilderness experiences”). He has been led by the Holy Spirit for a purpose: to be tempted … Continue reading "Commentary on Matthew 4:1-11"

13. Matthew 4 Guzik Bible Commentary

  • ◅ Matthew 4 ▻. Guzik Bible Commentary. Our Permissions for the Guzik / Enduring Word Commentary have expired. The Commentary is available at Enduringword.com. .

  • Guzik Bible Commentary

14. Biblical Commentary (Bible study) Matthew 4:1-11 - Sermon Writer

  • May 9, 2019 · If Jesus cannot fail, his temptation is less than our everyday experience. A savior who cannot endure our everyday temptation cannot save us.

  • Biblical Commentary (Bible study) Matthew 4:1-11 EXEGESIS: MATTHEW 4:1-11. THE TEMPTATION IN THE WILDERNESS Is this true temptation or a rite of passage that Jesus cannot fail? If failure is possible, does God set the bar so low that there is no serious danger to Jesus? The author of Hebrews says, "For we don't have a high

15. Enduring Word Bible Commentary Deuteronomy Chapter 4

  • Take heed to yourselves, lest you forget the covenant of the LORD your God which He made with you, and make for yourselves a carved image in the form of ...

  • David Guzik commentary on Deuteronomy 4, where Moses challenges the nation of Israel to obedience and warns the nation about the danger of disobedience.

16. The Gospel of Matthew – Enduring Word Media Server - Podcast App

  • The Gospel of Matthew – Enduring Word Media Server episodes: · Matthew 28 – The Risen Jesus With Us All Day, Every Day, to the End of Days · Matthew 27:35-66 – ...

  • Audio and Video Server For Enduring Word

17. Bible Commentary Of The Whole Bible with Pastor David Guzik

  • ... Enduring Word Bible Commentary. Organized Chapter by Chapter and Verse by ... Matthew · Mark · Luke · John · Acts · Romans · 1 Corinthians · 2 Corinthians.

  • A Bible Commentary by David Guzik's. A trusted resource for pastors, teachers, Sunday School teachers, and everyday Christians. Easy To Use | Always Free

18. Enduring Word Commentary | - WordPress.com

  • Jun 18, 2024 · I would like to start with what I learned about Jesus in John 10:7-11, “Truly, truly, I say to you, I am the door of the sheep. All who came ...

  • Posts about Enduring Word Commentary written by kristalea

19. Enduring Word Bible Commentary Q&A with Pastor David Guzik

  • Episode 68 – Who Is “This Generation” in Matthew 24? October: Episode 67 – Is ... Q&A with Pastor David Guzik – Episode 4 · Q&A with Pastor David Guzik ...

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20. God's Enduring Word - Rose Avenue Church of Christ

  • Jun 6, 2021 · Matthew 4:4 as Jesus answered Satan's 1st temptation, “Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.

  • June 6, 2021 preacher

21. God's Enduring Word, Pt. 2 - Torah Discovery

  • Oct 12, 2023 · It is written, 'Man shall not LIVE by bread alone, but by EVERY WORD that proceeds from the mouth of God.” -Matthew 4:4 The struggle, then, ...

  • “It is written, ‘Man shall not LIVE by bread alone, but by EVERY WORD that proceeds from the mouth of God.” -Matthew 4:4 The struggle, then, that challenges the restoration of the natural world and…

Enduring Word Matthew 4 (2025)


What is the main point of Matthew chapter 4? ›

Matthew 4 has four main sections: the temptation of Christ, the beginning of Christ's ministry, calling the disciples, and healing and teaching. The temptation of Christ is important to the Gospels because it that Jesus is the Son of God (Hagner 61). He went through the temptations and passed the test.

What is the meaning of Matthew 4 1 11? ›

Matthew 4:1–11 describes Jesus' temptation in the wilderness. After 40 days and nights of fasting, Jesus faces three temptations from Satan. Each one attempts to lure Christ into abusing His power; to take immediately what God the Father has promised to provide later.

What does Matthew 4 6 mean? ›

Satan is tempting Jesus to use His power and authority to act independently of God the Father, to do things His own way. The devil isn't suggesting Jesus commit suicide. Rather, by jumping from such a great height, He would be using His authority over angels to dramatically save Himself.

What is the meaning of Matthew 4 20? ›

In the call of Simon Peter and Andrew, we see Jesus initiating His ministry with a profound and transformative invitation. He encountered these fishermen by the Sea of Galilee and commanded them to follow Him. This call exemplifies His authority and the immediate nature of their response.

What is the key verse in Matthew 4? ›

Share. But he answered and said, It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God. Then saith Jesus unto him, Get thee hence, Satan: for it is written, Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve.

What is the lesson learned from Matthew 4? ›

God Himself will never tempt us and He has also promised to never allow us to be tempted beyond what we can bear. At the same time He may allow Satan to tempt us, but then use those temptations as a trial to teach us to rely on Him more.

What do the three temptations of Jesus symbolize? ›

These 3 temptations represent the challenges Christians face to remain loyal to the Lord. Sometimes, the body, mind, and heart are tested, but God-fearing people stay faithful no matter what.

What is the working preacher commentary on Matthew 4:1 11? ›

Matthew 4:1-11 is one of many signals in Matthew that the intense end-time suffering is happening. Jesus and the devil come face-to-face. The church must choose: the way of the Realm or the way of the devil. The church should take its model from Jesus and, in the power of the Spirit, live faithfully.

What is the meaning of Matthew 4 9? ›

For the third temptation of Jesus, Satan has taken Christ to a high mountain top. This seems to have been chosen simply for the sake of drama; no mountain can literally see the entire world. On this peak, Satan shows Jesus all the kingdoms of the world in their glory.

What does Matthew 4/7 say? ›

ESV Jesus said to him, "Again it is written, 'You shall not put the Lord your God to the test. '" NIV Jesus answered him, "It is also written: 'Do not put the Lord your God to the test.

What is the meaning of Matthew 4,8? ›

Satan's temptations of Jesus are progressive. He starts by appealing to Jesus' physical appetite. He knows Jesus is hungry, literally starving, after a 40–day fast. The first temptation was to turn stones to bread if He was the Son of God.

What is the meaning of Matthew 4:10? ›

Satan's third temptation to Jesus was enormous. As the "ruler of the world" (John 12:31), Satan had offered to give all the kingdoms of the earth to Jesus in exchange for Jesus falling down before Satan in worship. It's an audacious offer.

What is the meaning of Matthew 4 19? ›

This was Jesus' initial invitation to four disciples. Simon, also called Peter, Andrew, his brother, and then after that James, and John. Follow me and I will make you fishers of men. And in this picture, we see Jesus' invitation to every single one of us.

What is the meaning of Matthew 4 16? ›

The verse is referring to the Assyrian invasion of Northern Israel and predicting that after this dark period a new light would shine. Matthew implies that this is the messiah, France notes that the traditional view was that Isaiah was referring to events immediately after the departure of the Assyrians.

What does Matthew 4:23 say? ›

And Jesus went about all Galilee, teaching in their synagogues, and preaching the gospel of the kingdom, and healing all manner. of sickness and all manner of disease among the people.

What is the moral lesson of the parable of the divided kingdom? ›

The Lord has said, “Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation; and every city or house divided against itself shall not stand” (Matthew 12:25). A great lesson to be learned in life is to live in harmony with others. Where there is disharmony, unhappiness and tragedy result.

What does Matthew 4 4 teach us? ›

And the aim of fasting is that we come to rely less on food and more on God himself. That's the meaning of the words in Matthew 4:4, "Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God." Every time we fast, we are saying with Jesus, "Not bread alone. But you, Lord.

What is the main message Matthew is trying to send? ›

It tells how Israel's Messiah, Jesus, comes to his people (the Jews) but is rejected by them and how, after his resurrection, he sends the disciples to the gentiles instead. Matthew wishes to emphasize that the Jewish tradition should not be lost in a church that was increasingly becoming gentile.

What is the object lesson of Matthew 4 4? ›

In Matthew 4:4 Jesus said that man cannot live by bread alone but they need the Words of God, just like you couldn't eat this slice of bread on its own. There is a trick though, would you like to try it again? (Hand them a glass of water and tell them that they can drink it as often as they need.)

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Name: Msgr. Refugio Daniel

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Introduction: My name is Msgr. Refugio Daniel, I am a fine, precious, encouraging, calm, glamorous, vivacious, friendly person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.